Thursday, May 20, 2010

Russian Support for IMF Loan to Yemen

We, the Russian Federation, have given our support to the proposed resolution regarding the IMF loan to Yemen. As permanent members of the UN Security Councils, as well as the drafters of the resolution, we believe that the loan is vital to improving the security of Yemen. Yemen has long been a breeding ground for international terrorism, most importantly Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula. AQAP, the organization responsible for May 10th’s attack on the Incirlick air base has been accountable for numerous attacks of terrorism around the world and it is Russian policy to support any initiative aimed at harming or destroying this organization. The IMF loan, which has been appropriated with the intent of improving Yemeni national security, is an imperative step to eradicating the fundamentalist terrorist threat. Muslim fundamentalism has been an incredibly destructive force in Russia, and within the borders of our fellow UN nations. However, it is an important condition that loan funds go only to combating terrorism, and Russia will supply members for the UN audit committee. This committee will be responsible for ensuring that funds are not misappropriated. In addition, Russia will be making military trainers available to Yemen, and will open an arms trade with the Yemeni government to ensure that Yemeni police are well trained, and well equipped. In closing, Russia supports this UN resolution as an important step in the struggle to eliminate Islamic terrorism.

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